


I compose a new song and drink a cup of wine


In the bower of last year when weather is as fine.


When will you come back like the sun on the decline?


Deeply I sigh for the fallen flowers in vain.


Vaguely I seem to know the swallows come again.


Loitering on the garden path, I alone remain.



Deep, deep the courtyard where he is, so deep.


It’s veiled by smoke like willows heap on heap.


By curtain on curtain and screen on screen.


Leaving his saddle and bridle, there he has been


Merry-making, from my tower his trace can’t be seen.


The third moon now, the wind and rain are raging late;


At dusk I bar the gate,


But I can’t bar in spring.


My tearful eyes ask flowers, but they fail to bring


An answer. I see red blooms fly over the swing.






(这是一件非常费时费力费神的活儿,所以请允许在下转贴一些现成的东东.^_^) 一 节奏 诗歌是具有音乐性的语言。音乐作品的最大特点之一是音符的流动是有节奏的。


举个简单的例子: 《新年好》(HAPPY NEW YEAR)这首儿歌的节奏是强——弱——弱: 11 1 5 │33 3 1│13 5 5 │43 2 —│23 4 4 │32 3 1│13 2 5│72 1 —│ 中国古诗讲究平仄,富有节奏,英文没有平声、仄声之分,但有重读轻读音节之分,其节奏是通过重读音节与轻读音节表现出来的。一个重读音节与一个或两个轻读音节按一定的模式搭配起来,有规律地反复出现就是英文诗歌的节奏。

我们知道凡是有两个以上音节的英文单词,都有重读音节与轻读音节之分,在一句话中,根据语法、语调、语意的要求,有些词也要重读,有些要轻读。如he went to town to buy a book.. I’m glad to hear the news. 英文中有重读和轻读之分,重读的音节和轻读的音节,按一定模式配合起来,反复再现,组成诗句,听起来起伏跌宕,抑扬顿挫,就形成了诗歌的节奏。

多音节单词有重音和次重音,次重音根据节奏既可视为重读,也可视为轻读。读下面这两句诗: Alone │she cuts │and binds│ the grain, And sings │a me│lancho│ly strain. 这两行诗的重读与轻读的固定搭配模式是:轻——重。



二 常见的音步类型 音步是轻读与重读构成的。根据重读与轻读搭配的方式的不同,可以划分出不同的音步类型。

音步类型不同,节奏自然也不同。最常见的音步类型有以下四种: (一) 抑扬格 如果一个音步中有两个音节,前者为轻,后者为重,则这种音步叫抑扬格音步,其专业术语是(iamb, iambic.)。

轻读是“抑”,重读是“扬”,一轻一重,故称抑扬格。 英语中有大量的单词,其发音都是一轻一重,如adore, excite, above, around, appear, besides, attack, supply, believe, return等,所以用英语写诗,用抑扬格就很便利。


前面的那两句诗就是抑扬格诗。 (二)扬抑格 如果一个音步中有两个音节,前者为重,后者为轻,则这种音步叫扬抑格音步,其专业术语是(trochee, trochaic.)。


英语中也有一批其读音为一重一轻的单词,如Happy, many, holy, yonder, headlong, flaming, upper, grandeur, failing等。写扬抑格的诗,此类词正好合适。

但这类词在英语中其数量不及前面的那些多,与英文的语言规律不十分吻合,所以扬抑格诗不多。举两句诗例: Present │mirth has │present │laughter Shakespeare Shake your │chains to │earth like │dew Shelley (三) 抑抑扬格 抑抑扬格含三个音节,即轻——轻——重,专门术语是:Anapaest, anapaestic 例词: cavalier, intercede, disbelieve, reappear, disapprove, indistinct, on the hill. 例句: 拜伦的以下四行诗是抑抑扬格: The Assyr│ian came down │like the wolf │on the fold, And his coh│orts were glea│ming in purp│le and gold; And the sheen│ of their spears │was like stars │on the sea, When the blue │waves rolls night│ly on deep │Galilee. ——Destruction of Sennacherib 这是拜伦写的描述古代亚述人围攻耶路撒冷,被瘟疫所袭的诗的一节。

第四行第二音步中的waves 一词可轻可重。诗题中的Sennacherib 是亚述国王。

fold 指羊群, purple and gold 描写亚述军队的服饰,Galilee,巴勒斯坦北部的加利利湖。cohorts军团, sheen,光芒。

(四) 扬抑抑格 重——轻——轻是扬抑抑格,专门术语是:dactyl, dactylic. 例词: happily, merciful, eloquent, messenger, merrily, properly, accident, quantity. 例句: Dragging the │corn by her │golden hair. Davies: the villain. 英文诗歌中的音步类型有十几种之多,常见者即此四种,第一种则最常见。此外诗句中也常有抑抑格(pyrrhic[/peirik]和扬扬格(spondee[/sp :ndi])出现。



现代兴起的一些自由诗(FREE VERSE),不受这些格律的限制。 三 诗行 (一) 一诗行不一定是一个完整的句字。


I can’t believe I’m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the queen to reign my heart. You changed my life so patiently And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams. There are questions hard to answer, can’t you see。

Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life? Show me how can I show you That I’m blinded by your light. When you touch me, I can touch you To find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by you. You’re looking kinda scared right now, You’re waiting for the wedding vows. But I don’t know if my tongue’s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me, Like sunbeams on a summer stream And I gotta close my eyes to protect me. Can you take my hand and lead me from here please? Yeah,yeah Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life? Show me how can I show you That I’m blinded by your light. When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true. I love to be loved I need to be loved I love to be loved by you. I know they’re gonna say Our love’s not strong enough to last forever. And I know they’re gonna say that we’ll give up Because of heavy weather. But how can they understand That our love is just heaven-sent, We keep on going on and on Cause this is where we both belong. Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life? Show me how can I show you That I’m blinded by your light. When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved I need, yes I need to be loved I love to be loved by you. Yes, I love to be loved by you. 中文· 我不能相信我现在站在这里 我已经等待了许多年 今天我找到了女王统治着我的心。 你改变了我的人生耐心 并且将它真正的好东西 我感觉就像我在我的所有梦想。

有很多问题很难回答的问题时,你不能看见…… 宝贝,告诉我怎么告诉你 我爱你胜过我的生命? 告诉我,我怎么能告诉你 那我蒙蔽你的光。 当你接触到我,我能触摸到你吗 找到正确的梦想。

峨迷恋上被伱深爱。 你看起来有点害怕, 你在等待婚礼的誓约。

但我不知道我是否能说话 你的美丽让我迷失, 喜欢夏天的一道阳光 我要闭上双眼来保护我。 你可以牵着我的手带我离开这里吗? 耶:哦,是啊, 宝贝,告诉我怎么告诉你 我爱你胜过我的生命? 告诉我,我怎么能告诉你 那我蒙蔽你的光。

当你接触到我能触摸到你吗 找到正确的梦想。 我喜欢被人爱 我需要被爱 峨迷恋上被伱深爱。

我知道他们会说 我们的爱是不足够强大,能天长地久。 我知道他们将会说我们要放弃 由于恶劣天气。

但是他们如何能理解 我们的爱就是天赐, 我们将会坚持下去 因为这是在哪里,我们都属于我们。 宝贝,告诉我怎么告诉你 我爱你胜过我的生命? 告诉我,我怎么能告诉你 那我蒙蔽你的光。

当你接触到我能触摸到你吗 找到正确的梦想 我喜欢被人爱 我需要,是的,我需要爱 峨迷恋上被伱深爱。 是的,我喜欢被人爱你。


Never give up,

Never lose hope.

Always have faith,

It allows you to cope.

Trying times will pass,

As they always do.

Just have patience,

Your dreams will come true.

So put on a **ile,

You’ll live through your pain.

Know it will pass,

And strength you will gain

永不放弃 ,

永不心灰意冷 。

永存信念 ,

它会使你应付自如 。

难捱的时光终将过去 ,

一如既往 。

只要有耐心 ,

梦想就会成真 。

露出微笑 ,

你会走出痛苦 。

相信苦难定会过去 ,

你将重获力量 。

If I could save time

in a bottle the first thing that

I’d like to do is to save every day

until eternity passes away

just to spend them with you

If I could save time in a bottle the first thing

that I’d like to do is to save every day until eternity passes away

just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever

if words could make wishes come true

I’d save every day like a treasure

and then again I would spend them with you








再和你一起慢慢度过。 *


Thank you for comforting me when I’m sad Loving me when I’m mad Picking me up when I’m down Thank you for being my friend and being around Teaching me the meaning of love Encouraging me when I need a shove But most of all thank you for Loving me for who I am










调歌头(明月几时有) 苏轼 明月几时有?把酒问青天。

不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒, 起舞弄清影,何似在人间。


人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

“Thinking of You” When will the moon be clear and bright? With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky. I don’t know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. I’d like to ride the wind to fly home. Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me. Dancing with my moon-lit shadow It does not seem like the human world The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane This has been going on since the beginning of time May we all be blessed with longevity Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together. – Poem written during the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival of 1076 by Su Tung Po 张九龄 望月怀远 海上生明月, 天涯共此时。 情人怨遥夜, 竟夕起相思。

灭烛怜光满, 披衣觉露滋。 不堪盈手赠, 还寝梦佳期。

Zhang Jiuling LOOKING AT THE MOON AND THINKING OF ONE FAR AWAY The moon, grown full now over the sea, Brightening the whole of heaven, Brings to separated hearts The long thoughtfulness of night。. It is no darker though I blow out my candle. It is no warmer though I put on my coat. So I leave my message with the moon And turn to my bed, hoping for dreams. 王湾 次北固山下 客路青山外, 行舟绿水前。

潮平两岸阔, 风正一帆悬。 海日生残夜, 江春入旧年。

乡书何处达? 归雁洛阳边。 Wang Wan A MOORING UNDER NORTH FORT HILLUnder blue mountains we wound our way, My boat and 1, along green water; Until the banks at low tide widened, With no wind stirring my lone sail. 。

Night now yields to a sea of sun, And the old year melts in freshets. At last I can send my messengers — Wildgeese, homing to Loyang. 杜甫 春望 国破山河在, 城春草木深。 感时花溅泪, 恨别鸟惊心。

烽火连三月, 家书抵万金。 白头搔更短, 浑欲不胜簪。

Du Fu A SPRING VIEW Though a country be sundered, hills and rivers endure; And spring comes green again to trees and grasses Where petals have been shed like tears And lonely birds have sung their grief. 。After the war-fires of three months, One message from home is worth a ton of gold. 。

I stroke my white hair. It has grown too thin To hold the hairpins any more.。


回答和翻译如下 :《春晓》春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。

夜来风雨声,花落知多少。spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?《静夜诗》床前明月光,疑是地上霜。

举头望明月,低头思故乡。silent night thoughtsseeing the bright moon above my room,suspious of frost on the ground.I rise to watch the moon,I bend to think of home.《行行重行行》行行重行行,与君生别离。


思君令人老,岁月忽已晚。弃捐勿复道,努力加餐饭!journey after journey,apart from you,my dear.thousand miles away,the end of the earth;the road narrow and long,when can we meet each other?the horse is against the mighty wind,the bird makes a nest on the branches.days have been long since we aparted,I miss you so much,clouds covering the sun,I cannot return,missing you makes me age,times are late suddenly,,what I can only do,is to have more meals。


忆江南 忆江南 江南好 风景旧曾谙 日出江花红胜火 春来江水绿如蓝 能不忆江南 Tune:” Fair South Recalled” Fair southern shore With scenes I much adore; At sunrise riverside flowers more red than fire, In spring green river waves grow as blue as sapphire, Which I can’t but admire 昼 卧 抱枕无言语 空房独悄然 谁知尽日卧 非病亦非眠 Depression Hugging my pillow, what to say? My empty room’s in silence deep. Who knows I lie in bed all day, Not ill and not even asleep! 问刘十九 绿蚁新醅酒 红泥小火炉 晚来天欲雪 能饮一杯无 An Invitation In bottles green the new brew gleams; In red-clay stove the fire looks fine. At evening snow will fall, it seems. Will you come for a cup of wine? 买花 帝城春欲暮 喧喧车马度 共道牡丹时 相随买花去 贵贱无常价 酬直看花数 灼灼百朵红 戋戋五束素 上张幄幕庇 旁织笆篱护 水洒复泥封 移来色如故 家家习为俗 人人迷不悟 有一田舍翁 偶来买花处 低头独长叹 此叹无人谕 一丛深色花 十户中人赋 Buying Flowers The capital’s in parting spring And cabs and steeds are bustling. Peonies are at their best hours And people rush to buy the flowers. They do not care about the price; Just count and buy those that seem nice. For hundred blossoms dazzling red, Twenty-five rolls of silk they spread. Sheltered above by curtains wide, Protected with fences by the side, Roots sealed with mud, with water sprayed, Removed, their beauty does not fade. Accustomed to this way for long, No family e’er thinks it wrong. What’s the old peasant doing there? Why should he come to Flower Fair? Head bowed, he utters heavy sigh And nobody understands the why. A bunch of deep-red peonies Costs taxes of ten families kingdom520 2006-10-05 19:14 红鹦鹉 红鹦鹉 安南远讲红鹦鹉 色似桃花语似人 文章辩慧皆如此 笼槛何年出得身 The Red Cockatoo Annam has sent us from afar a red cockatoo; Coloured like peach-tree blossom, it speaks as men do, But it is shut up in a cage with bar on bar Just as the learned or eloquent scholars are. 后宫词 泪湿罗巾梦不成 夜深前殿按歌声 红颜未老恩先断 斜倚熏笼坐到明 The Deserted Her kerchief soaked with tears, she can nor dream nor sleep, But overhears band music waft when night is deep. Her rosy face outlasts the favour of the king; She leans on her perfumed bed till morning birds sing. 暮江吟 一道残阳铺水中 半江瑟瑟半江红 可怜九月初三夜 露似珍珠月似弓 Sunset And Moonrise On The River The last departing rays pave their way on the river; Half its waves turn red and all the others shiver. How I pity the third night of the ninth month, alas! The moon looks like a bow, dewdrops like pearls on grass. 钱塘湖春行 孤山寺北贾亭西 水面初开云脚低 几处早莺争暖树 谁家新燕啄春泥 乱花渐欲迷人眼 浅草才能没马蹄 最爱湖东行不足 绿杨阴里白沙堤 Spring On Lake Qiantang West of Pavilion Jia, north of Lonely Hill, Water brims level with the bank and clouds hang low. Among some sunny trees the first orioles trill; Down from the eaves to peck in mud young swallows go. My eyes seem dazzled by fresh flowers running riot; The horse hooves covered by grass can barely be seen. I cannot tear myself away from east lake so quiet, The bank paved with white sand and shaded by willows green. 惜牡丹花 惆怅阶前红牡丹 晚来唯有两枝残 明朝风起应吹尽 夜惜衰红把火看 The Last Look At The Peonies At Night I’m saddened by the courtyard peonies brilliant red; At dusk but two of them are left and withered. I am afraid they can’t survive the morning blast; By lantern light I take a look, the long, long last 大林寺桃花 人间四月芳菲尽 山寺桃花始盛开 长恨春归无觅处 不知转入此中来 Peach blossoms In The Temple Of Great Forest All flowers in late spring have fallen far and wide, But peach blossoms are full-blown on the mountainside. I oft regret spring’s gone and I can’t find its trace, Without knowing it’s come up to adorn this place. 秋兴八首(其一) 玉露凋伤枫树林 巫山巫峡气萧森 江间波浪兼天涌 塞上风云接地阴 丛菊两开他日泪 孤舟一系故园心 寒衣处处催刀尺 白帝城高急暮砧 Ode To Autumn (I) The pearllike dewdrops wither maples in red dye; The Gorge and Cliffs of Witch exhale dense fog around. Waves of upsurging river seem to storm the sky; Dark clouds o’er mountains touch their shadows on the ground. Twice full-blown, asters blown off draw tears from the eye; Once tied up, lonely boats tie up my heart homebound. Thinking of winter robes, everywhere tailors ply; I hear at dusk but nearby washing blocks fast pound. 茅屋为秋风所破歌 八月秋高风怒号 卷我屋上三重茅 茅飞渡江洒江郊 高者挂卷长林梢 下者飘转沉塘坳 南村群童欺我老无力 忍能对面为盗贼 公然抱茅入竹去 唇焦口燥呼不得 归来倚仗自叹息 俄顷风定。





下面这两首诗你可以体会下 饮酒 (晋)陶渊明 结庐在人境,而无车马喧。问君何能尔,心远地自偏。


此中有真意,欲辩已忘言。 茵纳斯弗利岛 (爱尔兰)威廉·巴勒斯·叶芝 我就要动身去了,去茵纳斯弗利岛; 搭起一个小屋子,筑起泥巴房; 支起几行云豆架,一排蜂蜜巢, 独个儿住着,荫阴下听蜂群歌唱。

我就会得到安宁,它徐徐下降, 从朝雾落到蟋蟀歌唱的地方; 午夜是一片闪亮,正午是一片紫光, 傍晚到处飞舞着红雀的翅膀。 我就要动身去了,因为我听到, 那水声日日夜夜轻拍着湖滨; 不管我站在车行道或灰暗的人行道, 都在心灵深处听见这声音。



原文:I will and go now and go to innsfree, And a small cabin build there of clay and wattles made; Nine bean rows will havethere,ahive for the honeybee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And i shall have some peace there,for peace conmes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all glimmer,and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet’s wings. I will arise and go now,for alwaysnight and day. I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While i stand on the roadway,or on the pavements gray, I hear it in the deep heart’s core.。

