


威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)早年受法国革命和启蒙主义思想影响,同情革命和社会改革。后来背离了进步思想,转向保守消极,赞美宗法制和小声残的田园式生活幻想。

他的早期诗作有《黄昏散步》(An Evening Walk,1793)等。一七九八年同柯勒律治合作出版了有名的《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)。在该书第二版序言中提出废止古辟生涩的诗歌用语,改用通俗生动的民间歌谣和口语词汇的主张,引起诗坛的强烈反响,也招致某些人的谴责。后期作品有《露西》组诗(Lucy Poems,1799)、《不朽颂》(Ode on Intimation of Immortality, 1807),《义务颂》(Deo to Duty,1807)、《远足》(The Excuision,1814)。他的著名长诗《序曲》(The Prelude, 1850)是在诗人死后出版的。



William “The Interminable”1 Wordsworth(1770-1850)William Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 in Cockermouth2, Cumberland, the second of five children. His father, John, a lawyer, was very educated and liberal for the time, and encouraged all his children to be the same. William was definitely the wild one of the family, and his sister Dorothy3, a year younger than him, was usually his only ally in the family. The Wordsworth children had a pretty happy childhood4 on the whole, at least until their mother, Ann, died in 1778. William was sent away (I think maybe his father couldn’t handle him very well) to a grammar school some distance away5. William was allowed to run wild, and became quite the young sportsman.When John Wordsworth died in 1783, the outlook for the children became really bleak. Though theoretically John’s estate was worth £10,485, that amount included many debts which people owed him. The largest debt, that owed by John’s employer, the Earl of Lowther, amounted to nearly £5,000 of that sum, and would not be paid to the Wordsworths for 19 years. The kids were foisted on two uncles6 who were very peeved at having to take care of them. They paid for William to go to Cambridge, where he did very well in his first year, but soon realized Cambridge was no place for him7. He chose his own course of studies from then on, and though he did graduate, it wasn’t what you would call a real degree8.After graduation, William wandered aimlessly through France for a time. The country was then in the early, glorious stages of the French Revolution, and William was only one of many Englishmen who were fascinated by its Republican ideals. In the city of Orleans, he met a young woman named Annette Vallon. She was a Royalist and a Roman Catholic, but you can’t fight chemistry. They had an affair and Annette became pregnant. Before the child was born, however, William had to go back to England. He needed to earn money somehow, and in any case, the Revolution was starting to turn into the Terror9. He returned to London with every intention of marrying Annette once things had settled, politically and financially10.He tried to raise money by publishing two poems he’d written, mostly for his own amusement. These were Descriptive Sketches, a very pro-revolutionary piece, and An Evening Walk. They weren’t very good, and sold accordingly. But some saw potential in them, most notably an old school friend of William’s who arranged for a legacy of £900 so William could concentrate on his poetry. William was very grateful for the bequest, and between the income from that and some money he got from another friend (a widower) in exchange for watching the friend’s young son, William and his sister Dorothy were able to live together in a little cottage11. About this time, William met Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey, two young poets who were planning a great socio-political experiment12. Robert and Coleridge soon had a terrible quarrel13, the scheme died, and Coleridge became William’s friend. In 1798, they published a joint volume of poetry called Lyrical Ballads. No one quite knew what to make of it14; it was really nothing like what the reading public was used to. It was Romantic, though at the time everyone called it poetry of the Lake School, since William was froom the Lake District.In 1800, Lyrical Ballads was reworked and a second volume added. William also wrote a preface expounding his theories of what made good poetry15. Two years later, the Wordsworths discovered they were at last to get the money owed to their father. Perhaps because of this, William asked Mary Hutchinson, a friend since childhood, to marry him. After a quick visit to Annette16 to straighten everything out, William and Mary were married in a quiet ceremony17. William, Mary, and Dorothy all lived together in their little cottage.In 1807, William published a two-volume set containing 113 poems18, which was again given a very bad review by everyone who bothered to review it, including Lord Byron, then 19 and just getting started in the business of slamming poetry. William tried to take it all in stride, but it was probably no coincidence that he changed his mind about publishing some long poems he’d just finished. He also started writing more prose, at least partly because Coleridge had recently started a magazine that needed articles. But Coleridge’s growing drug addiction and paranoia soon put a stop to that literary endeavour, and, unfortunately, his friendship with William as well.William’s home life, generally happy, was nearly shattered in 1812. In June of that ye。









回国后不久,局势剧变,华兹华斯对法国大革命的态度渐趋保守,最后,终于成为安享“桂冠诗人”称号的保守派。 华兹华斯的诗以描写自然风光、田园景色、乡民村姑、少男少女闻名于世。



完成于1805年、发表于1850年的长诗《序曲》则是他最具有代表性的作品。 华兹华斯诗才最旺盛的时期是1797至1807年的10年。


