1. 五一劳动节的诗歌(英语)


Lively music

51 festival

51 seasons of labor

Teachers from Moonlit to the war Qiankun

Poetic same glorious aroma dedicated

Spring Festival in May steel flowers are dancing Shakes the Barley

To work for the most labor is the source of wealth

Work without obtaining the movement cheerful

Happy happy happy hearts

Dayton by dynamic

Singing labor

Song of Praise

2. 五一劳动节英语诗歌

Today is Labor Day I wanted sleepy of the problems may depend on how in bed together after a while do not want to mother and father ran hastily from which my father said He Shan and I want your mother to buy a big market Guangcai furniture at home idle you nothing you do for a long time on the work you did not clean your room on ah finished cleaning your room left.

Father’s work, then how can pyronaridine I do not sound lazy to climb up to wash clothes brush it started cleaning the garbage I have to say about a good clean-up to blame the sorry though I am a girl but the room was indeed a public In fact, the landfill vice table I put things out of the room to have a short while into the living room sofa table are filled with things I used Then I put the cloth to clean the table a second time to I have lived for half a table wiping the sweat as well as silk, such as rain fell like a short while, after all, summer is coming so hot on my hand wiped sweat not continue to the table that I am now seriously discredited it So the every corner of the floor had become dirty clean call me a bum sitting on the bed followed by breathing only clean up the garbage on the line out of the room worked hard in my finally clean.

Although I am very tired but neat room, I watched very happy!


3. 五一劳动节的诗歌(英语)



从此,“五一”国际劳动节诞生了。 为什么要把这一天定为国际劳动节呢?这还得从19世纪80年代的美国工人运动说起。

当时,美国和欧洲的许多国家,逐步由资本主义发展到帝国主义阶段,为了刺激经济的高速发展,榨取更多的剩余价值,以维护这个高速运转的资本主义机器,资本家不断采取增加劳动时间和劳动强度的办法来残酷地剥削工人。 在美国,工人们每天要劳动14至16个小时,有的甚至长达18个小时,但工资却很低。




罢工不久,队伍日渐扩大,工会会员人数激增,各地工人也纷纷参加罢工运动。 在工人运动的强大压力下,美国国会被迫制定了八小时工作制的法律。




这下,美国的主要工业部门处于瘫痪状态,火车变成了僵蛇,商店更是鸦雀无声,所有的仓库也都关门并贴上封条。当时在罢工工人中流行着一首“八小时之歌”,歌中唱道: “我们要把世界变个样,我们厌倦了白白的辛劳,光得到仅能糊口的工饷,从没有时间让我们去思考。

我们要闻闻花香,我们要晒晒太阳,我们相信:上帝只允许八小时工作日。我们从船坞、车间和工场,召集了我们的队伍,争取八小时工作,八小时休息,八小时归自己!” 激昂的歌声唱出了工人的心声,唱出了全世界无产者的共同愿望,也感染了广大的群众,他们纷纷声援工人的罢工运动,将罢工运动推向新的高潮。


他们组织罢工破坏者在警察的保护下混进工人的罢工队伍,故意制造混乱,以此为借口,当场开枪打死六个工人。这一暴行,激起了全市工人的极大愤慨,他们决心为死难的工人兄弟们报仇! 为纪念美国工人1886年5月11日的罢工运动,为推动整个世界工人阶级的斗争热情,就把这一天定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。


4. 英文五一诗歌朗诵词

Let me be a little kinder,

Let me be a little blinder

To the faults of those about me,

Let me praise a little more.

Let me be, when I am weary,

Just a little bit more cheery……

Let me be a little meeker

With the brother who is weaker;

Let me strive a little harder

To be all that I should be.

Let me be more understanding,

And a little less demanding,

Let me be the sort of friend

That you have always been to me.

5. 劳动节英文

劳动节英文:labor day。

labor day

英 [ˈleibə dei] 美 [ˈlebɚ de]



英 [‘leɪbə(r)] 美 [ˈlebɚ]




英 [deɪ] 美 [de]




But, I tell you what, let’s invite him to Monday’s Labor Day cookout!




1、元旦(1月1日):New Year’s Day

2、春节(农历新年,除夕):Spring Festival

3、元宵节(正月十五):Lantern Festival

4、清明节(农历清明当日):Tomb Sweeping Day

5、端午节(农历端午当日):The Dragon Boat Festival

6、中秋节(农历中秋当日):Mid-Autumn Festival

7、重阳节(农历九月初九):Double Ninth Festival

8、国庆节(10月1日):National Day

9、冬至节(12月21或22日):Winter Solstice

6. 关于劳动节的名言英语翻译

1. Only man’s labor is holy.– gorky

2. Labor is the duty of everyone in the society inevitably.– — Rousseau

3. Labor is all power, all moral and powerful source of happiness.- la Joe is mourinho

4. There are always free from the start;Is to rely on two hands and a clever head.- Sue within

5. I know what is the labor: labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the world.– gorky


7. 中国五一歌曲英文版

Brandy – Long DistanceThere’s only so many songs that I can sing to pass the timeAnd I’m running out of things to do to get you off my mind’ ohAll I have is this picture in a frame That I hold close to see your face everydayWith you is where I’d rather beBut we’re stuck where we areIt’s so hard’ you’re so farThis long distance is killing meI wish that you were here with meBut we’re stuck where we areIt’s so hard’ you’re so farThis long distance is killing me.It’s so hard’ it’s so hard’ where we are’ where we areYou’re so far’ this long distance is killing meIt’s so hard’ it’s so hard’ where we are’ where we areYou’re so far’ yhis long distance is killing meNow the minutes feel like hoursand the hours feel like days While I’m away You know right now I can’t be home But I’m coming home soon Coming home soon.. All I have is this picture in a frame That I hold close to see your face everyday.With you is where I’d rather be I’d rather But we’re stuck where we are It’s so hard This long distance is killing meI wish that you were here with me were here with But we’re stuck where we are It’s so hard Can you hear me crying?Can you hear me crying? Can you hear me crying? Ohh ah’ oh Ohh’ woah With you is where I’d rather be I’d rather we’re stuck where we so This long distance is killing meI wish that you are here with me are here with we’re stuck where we This long distance is killing meIt’s so hard’ it’s so hard’ where we are’ where we areYou’re so far’ this long distance is killing meIt’s so hard’ it’s so hard’ where we are’ where we areYou’re so far’ this long distance is killing meThere’s only so many songs that I can sing to pass the time。

8. 关于劳动的英语文章


Every day, my mother and I walk on the road, I can see a cleaner, in both the garbage, leaves. Saul silently

At the beginning, I think it is great fun. Until a grade of time, the teacher tell me cleaner is very hard. Listen to the teacher, I still don’t think: don’t sweep, what is good hard. But, in a Chinese lesson grade 2, I changed idea. Because the tell us a story about cleaning workers, is this: cleaner is a dirty and tired of living, but also very sacred, very glorious work, is an important line of 360. In China, was established in the poor environment, cleaning workers work silently. Premier zhou after listening to visit the cleaner. Cleaner saw, hurriedly hand rub with clothes, lest premier zhou with his (her) handshake. And premier zhou ignore their robes, and wearing clean workers hug. Hearing this story, I will take notice of cleaner.

Yeah, no cleaning workers, the world will face smudgy, No cleaning workers, the earth would be polluted, No cleaner, our environment will be destroyed. Let us together with cleaner cleanness of our environment!


9. 劳动节英文介绍

May 1st, International Labor’s Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and the holiday began in the 1880s in the United States, with the fight for an eight-hour work day.Till today, Labor’s Day is an annual legal holiday that is over 100 years old and celebrated the economic and social achievements of workers all over the world.

Over the years, it has evolved from a purely labor union celebration into a general “last fling of summer” festival.

Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home.

Working is glorious, and we should respect workers.





